Well today I turned 21 and decided that I was going to do the same thing! And boy am I glad I did! I could not have came up with a better way to spend my day! Not only was it nice bonding time for my mother and I, but it was also great to see people's reaction to the whole idea. Most of them costed little to no money since I am a broke college student ;)
I'm hoping that these photos and stories will inspire you to do the same, not just on your birthday, but to incorporate acts of kindness in your everyday life :D
Here is a list for some ideas (as well as a few pictures along the way)
1) I place encouraging sticky notes all in my mom's car for her to find when we went to church this morning!
2) I gave money to one of the kids at church to put into the Penny March
3-6) I donated 4 Bibles to the local pregnancy crisis center here in Charleston. It was something the Christian Book Store was doing for the month of December and I decided to donate 4 of them :D It was one of the pricier things on the list, but totally worth it!
7) I got some balloons blown up to give to little kids. They loved them! As soon as I walked out of the store there was a little girl who was admiring my balloons and she was so thrilled when I offered her one!
8) I got a couple's tray of food for them at Taco Bell (who absolutely loved the idea)
9) Donated some change to the SPCA
10) I donated some old things and clothes to the local Good Will Store
11) The lady leaving Wal-Mart in front of us dropped something, so I picked it up and handed it back to her.
12) I put of some shopping buggys for people at Wal-Mart
13) I donated/recycled some of my old glasses frames to Wal-Mart's eye center to help people who can't afford frames. (Since I have been wearing glasses since 3rd grade, I have racked up about 6 pairs over the years and I keep saying "I'm going to donate them someday" and today I finally did it lol)
14) Placed a letter in the mail box for the mail man/lady (with some chocolate, because, who doesn't love chocolate ;)
15) Gave a note of appreciation to one of the workers at the mall. They really do go unappreciated and always look so down, so I gave them a note and told them thank you for what you do!
16) I hid sticky notes in books at Books A Million. Most my notes went into books talking about break ups and how to get through them. Since I endured a rough break up and read a few books on the subject myself, I wanted to encourage others since I know what they are going through and know they need it most because it was close to my heart. This new year I am praying God will use my experiences to help others, and this was my first step in doing so!
17) Taped quarters to a sticky note and placed it on a vending machine at the mall
18) Left pennies on the floor with a note that said "Have a blessed day, Jesus loves you!"
19) Left some more encouraging notes in random pockets of clothes at the mall
20) My mom and I left a few more quarters in a few bubble gum machines at the mall I gave a young boy a quarter to buy some Mike N Ikes when I saw his momma fishing for change. He was so cute. After he got his Mike N Ikes, he offered my mom and I some! My heart just melted <3 Even a little three your old understands the importance of random acts of kindness.
21) I gave a three year old boy a quarter to buy some Mike N Ikes when I saw his momma fishing for change. He was so cute. After he got his Mike N Ikes, he offered my mom and I some! My heart just melted <3 Even a little three your old understands the importance of random acts of kindness and wanted to return the favor.
Like I said before, I thoroughly enjoyed my birthday! It was definitely one of the most memorable birthdays thus far! I thank God for all the opportunities that came up and I really hope this has inspired someone to try and incorporate random acts of kindness, not only in their birthday, but your everyday life as well.
Take care, and God bless!
~Tiffany <3