I have not been posting very much because I was without a laptop for a while. So all computer usage was done in the library and blogging was not a part of my top priorities....
But anyway... So I am doing a Bible study with a group of girls online in Colossians. We take about two verses a day and really break them down and meditate on them. I have found this method so much more rewarding than reading two or three chapters a day. Sure I don't get as much read, but I get more out of what I do read, which really is the whole point of reading scripture.
I may go back in my journal and write some of them down but I wanted to share with you what I got from today's verses. They were Colossians 2:11-12 which reads
"So I am doing a Bible study with a group of girls online in Colossians. We take about two verses a day and really break them down and meditate on them. I have found this method so much more rewarding than reading two or three chapters a day. Sure I don't get as much read, but I get more out of what I do read, which really is the whole point of reading scripture." NLTSo basically, here is what I got from this passage:
“When you came to Christ, you were “circumcised,” but not by a physical procedure. Christ performed a spiritual circumcision—the cutting away of your sinful nature. For you were buried with Christ when you were baptized. And with him you were raised to new life because you trusted the mighty power of God, who raised Christ from the dead.” Col 2:11-12 NLT
So when I read this I had to just stop and thank God for what He has done.
The reality of what the words were saying just really sank in. God CUT AWAY our sinful nature. We are no longer attached to our sinful pasts. He cut it away from us, giving us FREEDOM and victory over those sins! He already did the work for us, all we have to do is not pick it back up!
And when we were baptized, we were raised to a NEW life. Not a fixed version of your previously damaged life, not a revised version, not an edited version, but a NEW one! The old sinful self is dead, and we are raised NEW in Christ!
Today’s verse just really was what I needed today! Hope others got the same excitement as I did.
God bless,
Tiffany <3
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