101 Day Challenge

101 Day Challenge

day 1: hopes, dreams, and plans for the next 101 days with a picture of yourself
day 2: the job/career you want to have when you are older
day 3: Favorite Comfort Food
day 4: Post up all the sites you use
day 5: What does your name mean? Why were you named what you were named
day 6: someone you trust
day 7: why you made your blog, why you still have it
day 8: Favorite Disney movie
day 9: everything you wish for in a significant other
day 10: Rant to me. About your family. Your friends. Your friend. A celebrity. A schoolmate. A tv show. Anything
day 11: Do you ever really learn from your mistakes
day 12: 5 things you’re looking forward to
day 13: something you makes you really angry
day 14: whatever quote you like
day 15: best hugger you know
day 16: your horoscope for today and whether you think it’s accurate
day 17: what you think about your friends
day 18: who are you
day 19: Do you keep a personal journal? What sort of stuff do you put in it? Do you care if others see it
day 20: your best friend just died, what is your reaction
day 21: any picture you’ve taken that makes you happy
day 22: Do you see yourself settling down and raising a family in your state or somewhere else
day 23: what makes you smile
day 24: is the truth always good to hear, why or why not
day 25: Post a picture of any concert you have gone to.
day 26: a strange fact about yourself
day 27: your day, in great detail
day 28: places you want to visit, and why
day 29: one person you can tell everything to
day 30: What was that thing you never tried because you were afraid of failure
day 31: one random fact about yourself
day 32: Think of the last person you hugged. What would you do if they vanished completely?
day 33: What’s one thing that you wish you could forget?
day 34: out of anyone in the world, who would you put in shark-infested waters
day 35: one of your favorite childhood memories
day 36: what is your biggest fear
day 37: Talk about your “love” live
day 38: what is the difference between living and existing
day 39: Something you carry with you every where and why
day 40: what about the opposite sex can you not understand
day 41: describe the weather occurring right now
day 42: what do you love the most about your grandparents
day 43: do you think it’s better to have a few close best friends or to have a lot of acquaintances
day 44: what is the best thing about being your age
day 45: Hometown location and facts
day 46: The meaning behind your Tumblr name
day 47: is it easier to forgive or forget
day 48: What I would find in your bag
day 49: do you like when people are protective over you
day 50: is it possible to be single and happy
day 51: one guy who means a lot to you
day 52: have you ever been betrayed by someone you trusted
day 53: do you believe in second chances
day 54: favorite month of the year and why
day 55: what do you worry about
day 56: if you had to choose between a million dollars or to be able to change a regret, what would you do
day 57: is change a good thing
day 58: someone who amazes you
day 59: do you think more about the past, present, or future
day 60: would you rather love one person or have many short relationships
day 61: what is one thing you love about photography
day 62: highs and lows of this month
day 63: favorite type of music
day 64: A show that should have never been canceled
day 65: Have you had the same friends for as long as you can remember, or do you change friends often
day 66: Harry Potter or Twilight?
day 67: A letter to someone. Anyone.
day 68: how did you spend your last birthday?
day 69: you are told you have one week left to live, how do you spend it?
day 70: Have you ever secretly wished you were a rapper
day 71: post a picture of yourself, taken today, and five random facts about yourself.
day 72: what are you always carrying around with you?
day 73: put your iPod or mp3 player on shuffle and list the first ten songs/artists. How did you find the music?
day 74: what did you do today?
day 75: do you have a set out path for your future yet?
day 76: a picture taken over ten years ago
day 77: what is the last book you read, why did you read it?
day 78: what are your plans for tomorrow.
day 79: what did you do last Saturday?
day 80: Do you believe in heaven and hell?
day 81: A stereotype of your state
day 82: Do you hide behind makeup to make yourself feel beautiful?
day 83: Imagine your pet is a person. Write about them
day 84: A picture of you from last summer
day 85: Farthest place you’ve ever traveled from home
day 86: what If you could choose how you were going to die, what would you choose your death to be
day 87: A picture of your group of friends
day 88: when you’ve had a terrible day, how do you deal with it?
day 89: Your opinion on smoking
day 90: Could you stand being the only human left on earth?
day 91: a picture of what you wore today
day 92: Given the chance, would you chose to restart your life from the beginning
day 93: Qualities that you look for in a friend
day 94: Would you leave everything you know (family, friends) to be whisked away to a lavish life somewhere else
day 95: Tell the story of how your parents met
day 96: Would you rather be blind or deaf?
day 97: the last person you texted— how do you know them? 
day 98: do you have any hard, life-changing choices to make, anytime soon? 
day 99: A picture of you as a toddler
day 100: the story of your first kiss
day 101: look back to your first post of this challenge, asking ‘Post a picture of yourself and tell us your hopes, dreams and plans for the next 101 days’ did you achieve any of these goals? And post a picture of yourself again.

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