Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Faithfully Waiting for God's Promises

If you are struggling with problems in your faith, I suggest you read the story of Abraham. His story is told throughout Genesis (starting Gen 12). I will give you the gist of his story…
God promised Abram (later renamed Abraham by God) that he would be the father of many nations if he obeyed his commands. The first one was to leave his country and family and travel to a new place and continue following Him. So Abram did just that. God also promised him descendants that would be more numerous than the stars (Gen 15:5)
Abraham trusted God, but began to grow weary, for he was getting old and had no children. He tried taking the matters into his own hands, adopting a slave, having a child with his wife’s servant girl so he could have a son, but God told him He was still going to have the promised child even in his old age. And at the age of 90, Sarah gave birth to the promised child, Isaac.
The whole point I’m trying to make is that if God has promised you something, don’t be discouraged.  It may seem like it is taking too long, and time has run out, but remember, He goes by HIS time, not ours.  What may seem like too late to us, may be just on time with Him. Do not lose faith and take matters into your own hands, as Abraham did. Trust that God will provide, no matter how hard it may be hold on.
I hope this helps renew someone’s faith like it has mine.
God bless,
Tiff <3

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