Sunday, August 5, 2012


So I had a lot of things on my mind this evening, so to just get my thoughts together, and to take out my frustrations, I went for a walk. Normally my walks consist of… well… walking. But tonight I ran. And kept running. Normally, if I decide to jog, I’d be lucky if I got past two houses before taking a break. But tonight, I ran for almost 8 minutes straight, with no breaks.
But then I looked back, and saw just how far I had been running, and I realized, wow, there is no way I did that, and suddenly I was overwhelmed with fatigue. My body, which had been full of energy, just totally drained. Why? Because I looked back.
Why am I telling you this? Because as I continued to walk, I realized, that life works the same way. 
God has a great plan for us, each and every one of us (Jer 29:11). But sometimes we don’t seek out that plan, or we run from it. In doing so we are really doing ourselves a disservice.
Think back to one of the most popular Bible stories that I know you know if you attended any kind of Sunday School growing up.  Think back to the story of Jonah. Most people remember him as the guy who got swallowed by the whale/fish. But as I was reading it to the kids in the Nursery last week, I saw the story from a whole new perspective, having matured several years from the last time I heard the story.
He ran from God’s calling for Him. When we run from our God’s calling in our lives, we are not the only ones who are affected (the other passengers on the boat Jonah was on was also affected by the bad storm God sent them, all because of Jonah running from God). 
So instead of running away from our problems/fears/troubles, we should run TO our Savior.  Tonight, as I was running, I just kept running. And kept running. Focusing on the goal to clear my mind.  It wasn’t until I looked back that I realized how far I’ve come and decided I did enough.
When we run to God, we cannot look back. The past is the past. We cannot hang on to it forever, because God has something bigger, greater, and better for us.  When running toward God, don’t look back, keep your focus on what’s ahead, and I can guarantee you, God will give you the strength to keep pushing through, even when you think there is no way you can do it, He can and will make a way. Remember “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13)” As long as God is on your side, He will get you through anything. 
So keep focusing on your run to Him, because your future with Him, is brighter than anything you can see behind you…

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